Boundary Locations Survey
Only a licensed cadastral surveyor is qualified to determine the position of your legal boundaries.

The team of professional surveyors at Survey Gisborne Limited can undertake “boundary location” surveys, otherwise known as “boundary redefinition” surveys to enable clients to determine the exact positions of their boundaries. A “boundary redefinition” survey is often undertaken to avoid, or resolve, any potential legal boundary disputes.
Avoid Encroachment on Construction and Building Sites
There are many legitimate reasons to establish, or confirm, the correct positions of legal boundaries. A good situation is prior to the commencement of any construction, or building work, on a property, especially when working close to, or on, a legal boundary.
Survey Gisborne Limited has seen many cases in the past whereby parts of a dwelling, or other structure, has encroached significantly on to an adjoining property, or road reserve, due to falsely or mistakenly identifying the legal boundary positions and legal boundary alignments. A recent case involved a dwelling that was built whereby the builder relied solely on an aerial photograph downloaded from the Internet which showed an indicative legal boundary. A later investigation by a licensed cadastral surveyor confirmed that this dwelling was in fact encroaching over the legal boundary by a considerable distance. “Don’t let this be you”.
Engaging a licensed cadastral surveyor to define or mark out the legal boundaries will avoid any potential problems down the track and with the territorial authority when setting out a new building, or structure. A licensed cadastral surveyor will also ensure that the new building, or structure, is laid at the correct yard distances from the legal boundaries, to comply with the requirements set out in the territorial authority’s District Plan.
Boundary Fences
Are you currently planning to replace or erect a new fence, or structure, along a legal boundary between two properties? It is highly recommended that a licensed cadastral surveyor is engaged to establish the correct legal boundary alignment in order to avoid, or resolve, any potential neighbourly disputes. This type of legal boundary redefinition is in practice more critical in a residential, commercial or industrial situations.
Let’s face it, even building a new fence these days is expensive so why wouldn’t you invest in making sure that the alignment for your new fence is set out and erected in the correct location right at the start.
Contact Survey Gisborne Limited – we are right on the mark!